Sustainable holiday decorations

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Consider buying fewer new holiday decorations and opting to reuse ones you have bought or inherited in previous years, or buy used ones, to reduce pollution and waste.


Every year, it is tempting to purchase brand-new holiday decorations. Advertising and promotions at stores that would like to part you from your money feed that feeling. However, there is a greener way to decorate for the holidays.

This year, consider buying fewer new holiday decorations and opt for homemade or sustainable ones. It is a simple way to reduce the pollution, plastic, and waste created from new stuff being made.

Does this mean never buying new decorations? No, it simply means being more intentional about it and doing so when it truly brings extra joy.


There are many better options available to make your holiday decorations eco-friendly. Here are a few ideas to get you started. Discover new ways to approach it, get creative, and have fun in the holiday spirit.

• Rather than purchasing new ornaments, reuse ones you have bought or inherited in previous years. They can bring back good memories that go beyond their look.

• Visit your local second-hand store for unique ornaments that likely cannot be found anywhere else and may have a story associated with them. Also, check out online used marketplaces, which have an incredible array of options to select from.

• Make edible ornaments. The options are almost endless from cookie gift tags, cinnamon ornaments, peppermint popcorn garland, and more. Go online to find more ideas on how to make your own edible ornaments.

• If you are feeling crafty, why not make some decorations using natural materials, such as twigs, fruits and berries, rocks, pine cones, etc? Conduct a quick internet search to discover DIY decoration ideas.

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