Make eco-friendly resolutions

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The new year prompts reflection and resolutions, offering a chance to enhance life while aiding the planet. To make eco-friendly goals stick, set realistic resolutions, involve friends, and prioritize progress over perfection.


As the new year starts, it is a good time to reflect and consider making some resolutions. Why not add eco-friendly goals to the list?

It is a nice excuse to improve your life, improve your well-being, save money and time, connect with others, and help create a better world.

Not sure what environmentally-friendly resolutions you should engage in next year? Check out the tips section for some inspiration or naturally, you can browse through the Earth Hero app!


• Setting resolutions is a great idea; however, many people have trouble sticking to them. Only a third of people tend to keep all of their resolutions.

• Make your resolutions realistic and attainable. Remember to think about why you set the resolution. Also, forgive yourself if you are not successful right away. That is completely normal. Progress, not perfection.

• Consider making your resolutions SMART — Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Realistic, and Timely/Time-bound. See more at this website.

• For added support, invite friends and family to participate with you when it makes sense to do so.

Here are a few ideas to start you thinking:


• Talk about climate to help open up minds to how burning oil, coal, and gas is overheating our planet.
• Engage more with local climate activism groups.
• Keep climate and environmental issues top of mind with your local leaders by writing or calling them.


• Eat food that is in season.
• Avoid food waste by buying smarter, using your leftovers, and eating foods before they go bad.
• Consider cutting back on your animal food intake.

Beauty products

• Use eco-friendly and sustainable beauty products.
• Go for products that have little to no plastic packaging.
• Consider cutting down on what you use altogether.


• Fix your clothes and keep them in good condition so you can use them longer.
• Rent clothing you plan on using infrequently for special occasions.
• Donate or sell clothes you do not use anymore.


• Do you have a home system that burns oil or gas? This might be the year to transition to an electric version.
• Look for vintage or second-hand furniture before buying new items.
• Switch to reusable home and kitchen supplies.


• Purchase less new stuff.
• Set an emissions goal in the EarthHero app to help motivate yourself.
• Try out Earth Hero actions that you saved for later.
Explore online for other resolution ideas.

Additional Resources


Track actions

Want to keep track of the actions you are trying and have already completed? Want to sort by the different actions? Download the free mobile app for easier browsing and a personalized experience.

Download app from Google Play StoreDownload app from App Store

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