Report a bug to Earth Hero

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Send feedback to the Earth Hero team if you encounter a bug causing a crash, odd behavior, or a bad experience so we can fix it. Make it a little easier for others to act on the climate emergency with a better Earth Hero app.


Sometimes software has glitches, including Earth Hero. If you encounter a bug that is causing a crash, odd behavior, or a bad experience, please let us know so we can fix it. Sometimes, these things sneak through!

This is a nice, simple way to improve Earth Hero that benefits thousands of other users. Make it a little easier for people to act on the climate emergency with a better Earth Hero app. :-)

You can send feedback through email to Thanks!


• If relevant and not too hard to do, take a screenshot of where the bug is happening. That will speed up understanding the problem and fixing it.

• When sending a message, please mention if you found the bug in Android, iOS, or a web browser.

Track actions

Want to keep track of the actions you are trying and have already completed? Want to sort by the different actions? Download the free mobile app for easier browsing and a personalized experience.

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