Bike instead of drive
- Earth Points
- 60
- Ease
- Ambitious
Photo by Adrian Williams on Unsplash
Car travel is one of the biggest carbon dioxide emission sources and creates harmful particulates, nitrous oxide, ozone, and other pollutants. Cycling is a great alternative for many car journeys, bringing significant health benefits and saving serious money. Plus it is a lot more fun!
Further, cycling is a visible action that helps other people see that regular people can bike — and you do not have to wear spandex. Your trips also show your community that the infrastructure needs changing; more bikes can thus mean fewer wide roads and large cement parking garages and instead more bike paths and stands. Tar and cement are big greenhouse gas emitters.
• If you do not own a bike they can be purchased affordably second-hand.
• Start with one short trip. If this is new to you, do not push it too much the first time.
• Try running an errand with your bike, not just commuting to work. It can make errand running more fun!
• Other trips could include a school run, a short food trip, visiting a friend nearby, or taking the kids to the park.
• If you are in an urban environment, consider joining a bike share — this way you do not have to buy and store a bike, but instead will send a message to your community that bikes and bike shares are desirable.
• A bike tune-up by your local bike pro or co-op can make a huge difference and make you feel more confident.
• Strapping a milk crate to a bike or using panniers (bags slung on both sides of the bike) is an easy way to carry things.
• Use good lights and reflective clothing if riding at dusk or in the dark.