Family & Community
Talk about climate
- Earth Points
- 100
- Ease
- Easy
Home-make your gifts
- Earth Points
- 30
- Ease
- Medium
Reduce food waste
- Earth Points
- 30
- Ease
- Easy
Review eco-friendly businesses
- Earth Points
- 15
- Ease
- Easy
Like, comment, share
- Earth Points
- 15
- Ease
- Easy
Join a climate action group
- Earth Points
- 80
- Ease
- Easy
Thank climate change trailblazers
- Earth Points
- 40
- Ease
- Medium
Be a better gift giver + receiver
- Earth Points
- 20
- Ease
- Easy
Adopt a forest
- Earth Points
- 60
- Ease
- Ambitious
Gift plants and cuttings to others
- Earth Points
- 10
- Ease
- Easy
Have a green Saint Patrick’s day
- Earth Points
- 10
- Ease
- Easy
Vacation closer to home
- Earth Points
- 60
- Ease
- Easy
Use a library of things
- Earth Points
- 20
- Ease
- Medium
Plant trees
- Earth Points
- 30
- Ease
- Medium
Give a public climate talk
- Earth Points
- 100
- Ease
- Ambitious
Non-violent civil disobedience
- Earth Points
- 75
- Ease
- Ambitious
Save a green space
- Earth Points
- 80
- Ease
- Ambitious
Add an Action to Earth Hero
- Earth Points
- 30
- Ease
- Medium
Drink local!
- Earth Points
- 3
- Ease
- Easy
Talk to kids about our environment
- Earth Points
- 45
- Ease
- Medium
Plant a pollinator friendly garden
- Earth Points
- 10
- Ease
- Medium
Create a tool library
- Earth Points
- 80
- Ease
- Ambitious
Start or join a community garden
- Earth Points
- 45
- Ease
- Ambitious
Trick or treat with reusable bags
- Earth Points
- 1
- Ease
- Easy
Make a neighbor contact list
- Earth Points
- 20
- Ease
- Medium
Sustainable holiday decorations
- Earth Points
- 10
- Ease
- Easy
Give experience-based gifts
- Earth Points
- 10
- Ease
- Medium
Cook a veggie-filled holiday meal
- Earth Points
- 3
- Ease
- Easy
Have a green NYE celebration
- Earth Points
- 10
- Ease
- Medium
Make eco-friendly resolutions
- Earth Points
- 15
- Ease
- Easy
Make the Earth your Valentine
- Earth Points
- 10
- Ease
- Easy
Engage in climate change education
- Earth Points
- 100
- Ease
- Ambitious
Eco-friendly egg hunts
- Earth Points
- 2
- Ease
- Easy
Decorate eggs with natural dyes
- Earth Points
- 1
- Ease
- Medium
Protect the night
- Earth Points
- 45
- Ease
- Medium
Join a CERT
- Earth Points
- 15
- Ease
- Ambitious
Follow Earth Hero on social media
- Earth Points
- 5
- Ease
- Easy