African Climate Alliance

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African Climate Alliance (ACA) was born out of the first-ever major youth-led climate protest in Cape Town, South Africa in 2019. Since then, the organization has transformed to meet the challenges that the youth climate movement in Africa is facing. It is a youth-led grassroots organisation in South Africa that aims to build a strong youth-led climate movement across Africa. ACA focuses on Afrocentric socio-environmental education, advocacy, action, and leadership training, providing a safe and inclusive space for South African youth. Their campaigns focus on on-the-ground actions calling for climate mitigation, adaptation, and justice. This includes forming alliances and coalitions, coalition-based mobilisations and protests, and litigation to end the age off fossils and protect the land, air, and water. People, especially people under 35, are encouraged to join African Climate Alliance. Get started by following them on social media, joining an activist network, and donating. You can also check out their resources, workshops, and news articles.

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