Amazon Watch

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Amazon Watch is a nonprofit organization founded in 1996 that aims to protect the rainforest and advance the rights of Indigenous peoples in the Amazon Basin. The Amazon rainforest is a major carbon sink - saving the Amazon is critical for maintaining a stable climate and protecting biodviersity. Amazon Watch considers indigenous self-determination, culture, and knowledge to be critical to the the successful conservation of the Amazon. They partner with Indigenous and environmental organizations in campaigns for human rights, corporate accountability, and preservation of the Amazon’s ecological systems, which are perilously close to a tipping point and collapse. Through its Women Defenders program, Amazon Watch supports Indigenous women’s leadership at the community and international levels. They envision a world where the rights of Indigenous peoples and the rights of nature are respected and where healthy forests, biodiversity, and the global climate are fully protected by governments, corporations, and civil society. People around the world can support Amazon Watch. To get started, sign up to receive their newsletter, attend an event, sign their online petitions, and donate as you are able.

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