Asia Pacific Adaptation Network

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The Asia Pacific Adaptation Network (APAN) is a regional programme that works with governments and organizations to create climate resilient communities in Asia and the Pacific regions. The mission of APAN is to equip key actors in Asia and the Pacific region with adequate knowledge for designing and implementing climate change adaptation measures, access to necessary technologies, and finance in support of climate change adaptation. They also work with governments to create adaptation strategies and implement policy. Activities are carried out by the Institute of Global Environmental Strategies, Regional Resource Centre for Asia and the Pacific, and Stockholm Environment Institute. APAN operates through its regional hub located in Bangkok. Sub-regional activities of APAN are carried out by the sub-regional nodes and thematic nodes of APAN located in the five sub-regions of Central Asia, South Asia, Southeast Asia, Northeast Asia and the Pacific. The sub-regional nodes operate with the help of national implementing partners located in the countries falling within each sub-region. APAN is open to organizations in Asia and the Pacific region. Get started by signing up to receive their newsletter and then check out their resources and upcoming events. They also have online forums that you can join.

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