Christian Climate Action

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Christian Climate Action is a grassroots environmental justice organization with roots in the United Kingdom some other related groups in other countries. They work closely with Extinction Rebellion. They are a community of Christians supporting each other to take meaningful action in the face of imminent and catastrophic anthropogenic climate breakdown. They are inspired by Jesus Christ and guided by the Holy Spirit. Following the example of social justice movements of the past, they carry out acts of public witness, nonviolent protest, and civil disobedience to urge those in power to make the changes needed. Christian Climate Action holds direct actions in the streets, online morning and evening prayers, earth vigils, and Saturday Reflection Sessions. One of their goals is getting churches to divest from fossil fuels. Christians are encouraged to join Christian Climate Action. Get started by checking if a chapter is near you, signing up to receive their newsletter, following them on social media, joining an upcoming event, or attending an introductory meeting.

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