Earth Charter Indiana

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Created in 2001, Earth Charter Indiana is a non-profit that takes action on the climate crisis. It's the only U.S. chapter of Earth Charter International and the only organization in Indiana that combines climate stewardship with civic action. The organization was started to inspire and advance sustainable, just, and peaceful living in Indiana. Their focus is on social justice and intergenerational action and education on the climate crisis. A few of their campaigns include Indiana Thriving Schools Challenge, Zero Waste Cafeteria, Climate Leadership Summit, Climate Crisis Theater, and Teach Climate. Their Climate Camps provide young people, ages 6 and up, an opportunity to dig deep into climate change and solutions. Residents of Indiana are encouraged to join Earth Charter Indiana. Get started by signing up for their newsletter and following them on social media. You can also take a look at their upcoming events calendar and browse the different types of programs they have.

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