Environmental Defense Fund

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The Environmental Defense Fund (EDF) began in 1967, as a scrappy group of scientists and a lawyer on Long Island, New York, fighting to save Osprey from the toxic pesticide DDT. Using scientific evidence, they got DDT banned nationwide. They currently work in 28 countries and have millions of dedicated members and activists in their network who inspire them and make what they do possible. Their campaigns include: working to stabilize the climate, creating new ways to cut emissions, making the world's energy system cleaner, crafting sustainable ways to grow food and supply water, working globally to create oceans and coastal communities that thrive, and focusing on the interdependence of environmental and human health. The Environmental Defense Fund is open to anyone who wants to get involved. Get started by signing up to receive their emails, follow them on social media, and check out their online action items. You can also donate and become a member.

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