Friends of the Earth Action

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Founded by David Brower in 1969, Friends of the Earth Action elevates progressive environmental issues and advocates for policies that help people and the planet. Friends of the Earth Action provides the extra political muscle to their sister organization, Friends of the Earth, which is part of a worldwide grassroots environmental network. They believe that unprecedented political action from across the nation will put the United States, and hopefully our planet, on a sustainable path. Only a mass movement of people, built from the ground up, can take on the corporations and politicians who endanger people and the planet for profit. Friends of the Earth Action works on a dynamic set of intersectional issues knowing that we cannot build a healthy and just world without addressing the interconnectedness of society’s injustices. They fight for laws and lawmakers that will echo that mission and help the public join in the political battle as well. Their focus is on a rapid and just transition to renewable energy, economic justice, food sovereignty & the agricultural industry, protecting forests, oceans, & biodiversity, stopping nuclear power resurgence, and global environmental justice. Get started by signing up to receive their newsletter. From there you can sign their online petitions and follow them on social media.

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