Incredible Edible Network

The Incredible Edible Network creates kind, confident and connected communities through the power of food. It centres around community, learning, and local businesses. Community is at the heart, with growing patches the edible attractions to get people talking. From its inception, Incredible Edible sought to show how ordinary people can transform their own landscapes and turned disused plots into abundant sources of healthy food. Incredible Edible believes reviving our hands-on knowledge of food is essential for all our futures. The art of growing and soil science, the art of cooking and preserving, and the connection that is made to our planet when we learn about food. Plus they believe the more people shop for local food, the stronger our economy and communities are. This supports a vibrant high street. They say if you eat, you are in! You can sign up through the website to access a wealth of resources. Plus there are over 100 local groups across the country that you can join. Each has its own personality and take, but they all value: - Being positive - Believe in the power of your own potential to create the future for yourself that you want. - Being local - In your passion, your action, and your purchasing. Find ways to create local solutions to global problems. - Being connected - We believe that when people spend time connecting together and listening to each other positive change happens. - Being brave - The future is in our hands. We have the right as citizens to take action. The structures in a democratic society are there to serve the will of the citizens, not the other way around. - Being active - Do not wait for permission or funding - just do something today, however small and the result will grow.
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