NABU (Nature and Biodiversity Conservation Union) is a German non-governmental organisation (NGO) dedicated to ending the age of fossil fuels and conserving nature both at home and abroad. NABU was founded in 1899 by Lina Hähnle and started as the "Bund für Vogelschutz" (Association for the Protection of Birds). With around a million members and supporters, it's one the oldest and largest environmental association in Germany. Their ten of thousands of volunteers, active in over 2,000 local groups throughout the country, play an important role in nature conservation. NABU is committed to protecting wildlife and ecosystems, fighting for clean water, clean air and healthy soil, and the careful use of earth's finite resources. They also started NAJU (Naturschutzjugend im NABU), an independent youth environmental organisation with over 100,000 members. You can get started by signing up to receive their newsletter, following them on social media, searching for a local group, and exploring their current projects.

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