Scientist Rebellion

Scientist Rebellion is an international movement comprised of a network of small local groups. Each local group has activists from a variety of scientific backgrounds. Together, these groups are working to mobilize the public in order to maintain a safe and habitable earth. Scientist Rebellion often participates in nonviolent disruptive action and supports the efforts of other climate justice organizations. They work within the framework of Extinction Rebellion, following their principles and values, but also adopted new forms of organizing and mobilizing. These scientists are calling on individuals and communities to stand in resistance before it is too late. They believe that scientists must act as if we are in an emergency in order for the public to understand the gravity of the climate and ecological crises. Scientists Rebellion is best suited for scientists but is open to anyone who is interested and wants to get involved. To get started, attend an introductory meeting, attend a talk, and check out the Action Lab on their website.
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