Sea Shepherd

Sea Shepherd is an international, nonprofit marine conservation organization that engages in direct action campaigns to protect defenseless marine wildlife and end the destruction of ocean habitats from illegal exploitation and environmental destruction. Since being established in 1977, Sea Sheppard has worked in partnership with governments to protect territorial waters. Whether you join a campaign on the high seas on their fleet of ships, volunteer in your hometown, help keep their shores clean and safe, or contribute the funds and equipment that keep our ships running, there are many ways you can become a real part-time hero. They are not a protest organization and spend very little time on advertising or fundraising, instead focusing resources on direct action. These mariners can use your help whether you are a deckhand or a landlubber. Sea Sheppard operates multiple chapters in over 20 countries. You can get started by signing up their mailing list and getting connected with a local chapter in your area.
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