Fix Laws, not just Litterbugs: The Power of Climate Policy

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Written by Kate Ferrandino

Ever witnessed someone litter and felt a surge of frustration? Confronting them might seem like a good idea. Changing a person’s behavior through a single encounter sometimes works, but shifting individual habits requires repeated exposure to new information, and many people are not receptive to advice from strangers. Especially when approached in anger. But what if positive change could be scaled up to a much bigger level?

Individual action is important, but it must be accompanied by systemic change. We need laws and regulations that push industries and governments to be more responsible and sustainable. When new or updated policies are adopted, their impact extends to many individuals and organizations at once. Without structural changes, personal efforts will fall short of the scale needed to stop cheaters of the system. As Martin Luther King Jr. said, "Morality cannot be legislated, but behavior can be regulated. Judicial decrees may not change the heart, but they can restrain the heartless."

According to a report by the global nonprofit InfluenceMap, 80% of fossil fuel and cement emissions between 2016 and 2022 came from just 57 sources. Individual action is important in the climate movement (especially with millions of us working together), but focusing on preventing small-scale behaviors such as convincing a single person to stop littering can distract from holding these large polluters accountable. It can delay implementation of the regulations needed to reduce environmental harm and address climate change.

The Inflation Reduction Act: A Landmark in Climate Policy

A prime example of impactful policy is the Inflation Reduction Act (IRA). Passed in 2022, it is one of the most substantial legislative investments in climate in the history of the United States. The IRA was developed through the collaborative efforts of lawmakers, scientists, activists, and other advocates who recognized the pressing need for large-scale climate response. Community organizers and local volunteers were instrumental in passing the IRA, rallying support through letters, phone calls, and meetings with representatives. Their collective efforts highlight the power of democratic engagement in shaping powerful climate legislation.

Key Points of the IRA:

Investing in Renewable Energy: The IRA provides generous tax incentives for anyone investing in renewable power sources such as solar, wind, or geothermal. These incentives are aimed to make renewable energy a financially smart choice.

Saving Power for a Rainy Day: To address the challenge of storing renewable energy, the IRA invests heavily in advanced battery technologies, ensuring a steady power supply even when the sun isn't shining or the wind isn't blowing.

Reducing Greenhouse Gas Emissions and Tackling Methane:_ _ Methane is a more potent greenhouse gas than carbon dioxide, but it is often overlooked. The IRA imposes stricter regulations on methane leaks and funds new technologies to curb this heat-trapping gas. By imposing a fee on companies for excess methane emissions, the IRA incentivizes reducing emissions. The funds raised are invested back into climate initiatives, creating a cycle of improvement.

Boosting Efficiency: The IRA promotes energy efficiency through incentivizing the modernization of buildings to reduce their power use. It sets new standards for appliances and offers grants and rebates, making these upgrades more affordable. Energy-efficient devices such as heat pumps and electric or induction stove tops reduce household energy use, lower utility bills, and decrease reliance on fossil fuels.

Supporting Clean Transportation: Electric vehicle adoption has become more attractive under the IRA, with tax credits and expanded charging stations making them more accessible.

Fostering Innovation and Research: The act funds research and development in clean energy and sustainable practices, supporting universities and startups in creating the next generation of climate solutions.

Improving Wages and Creating Apprenticeships: By establishing higher wage standards, particularly for clean energy jobs, the IRA enhances worker well-being and fosters economic stability and growth within the sector. It also supports career preparation through apprenticeships that provide practical experience and theoretical knowledge, making a career in clean energy more accessible and ensuring a steady supply of skilled workers.

Advancing Climate Justice: Certain communities face higher environmental risks and have fewer resources to adapt to climate impacts. The IRA aims to rectify this imbalance by allocating targeted funding and resources for environmental justice. This includes projects that enhance resilience, improve air and water quality, and provide access to clean energy technologies.

Supporting Small Businesses:_ _ As they shift to green technologies, small businesses can take advantage of grants, subsidies, or low-interest loans to help cover the costs of implementing energy-efficient systems or adopting eco-friendly practices. This allows these businesses to stay competitive in a rapidly evolving economy.

The Impact of the IRA The IRA has dramatically escalated investment in clean energy technology in the United States, increasing funding from under $5 billion in 2022 to over $70 billion in 2024. This surge demonstrates the profound impact that a well-designed climate policy can have on both the economy and the environment. Beyond the financial boost, the IRA is expected to generate valuable economic and social benefits. According to data from the Political Economy Research Institute (PERI) at the University of Massachusetts Amherst, the IRA will create more than nine million jobs in the clean energy sector over a decade.

The Importance of Collective Action Passing strong policy is more effective than requesting each person or organization to change their practices one at a time. Staying informed and voting for environment conscious candidates are essential first steps, but there is more that can be done. When individuals come together to actively participate in local environmental groups, engage in public comment periods for new regulations, sign petitions, and support climate-forward policies in local meetings, the impact of their effort is significantly amplified. These collective measures to promote climate legislation establish a foundation for policies that balance economic progress with environmental stewardship. As we face the urgent challenges of climate change, the IRA stands as a powerful example of how unified advocacy can lead to a transformative and lasting impact on both society and the environment.

Additional Sources: * U.S. Department of the Treasury. (n.d.). Impact and stories. Retrieved August 7, 2024, from

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(Image Source: Dan Meyers/Unsplash)