Join the Earth Hero Team

Earth Hero is a group of volunteers who came together to do our part to address the climate crisis. We contribute in different ways with our own unique interests—yet share a common cause.
People around a whiteboard adding ideas to it

Ways to Get Involved

Raised hands illustration


Earth Hero is powered by a global network of volunteers in a diverse range of roles. If you have 20 hours to volunteer a month, we’d like to hear from you.

Donate jar illustration


If you aren’t able to commit to volunteering but still want to support us, consider making a donation. Your financial support allows Earth Hero to remain free for everyone.

Hands using a Mobile Phone illustration

Test Our App

We are frequently updating our app with new features and languages. Help us keep progress moving forward by testing our upcoming app releases.


As a team of volunteers, we follow the philosophy that many hands make light work. Earth Hero has many areas you can contribute to. Browse the positions we are actively recruiting for on Climatebase or contact us below if you want to get involved in one of these areas:

  • Mobile Development (Swift and Kotlin)
  • Website Dev (Javascript / React / Next.js)
  • Art or Graphic Design
  • UX/UI Design
  • Project Management
Content and Communications
  • Writing Actions, Articles, etc.
  • Social Media Posting
  • Translations
Research and Data
  • CO₂e Emissions Modeling
  • Research
If you are interested, send a message through our contact form.

Test Our App

At the heart of Earth Hero is our app. As we release new features, we need help ensuring they work for everyone. Sign up below to become a tester. If you are interested in volunteering, reach out to us through our contact form.